Say, “Yes!”

The other day I found myself sitting on the 401 during morning rush hour.  Traffic was crawling on both sides of the highway with cars bumper to bumper as far as the eye could see.  I was living what was once my worst nightmare.

I never really wanted to live in or near a big city.  And I certainly never wanted to be part of the rush hour commuter traffic gang.  This was never my dream or goal and yet here I was stuck in a big city traffic nightmare.  But instead of feeling angry or frustrated, I found myself excited.  

I was excited about what was on the other side of the traffic.  I was meeting with a church board to talk with them about next steps, future plans and those sorts of things.  And I really love doing that.  So how did excitement win out over anger and frustration?  It has a lot to do with saying, “Yes.”


You see, there was a time when my outlook didn’t stretch much beyond the city limits of Moose Jaw.  And where my only plan was to be the best youth pastor I could be.  But God called and I said, “Yes.”  And I moved.  And then I moved several more times.  And I did different things in ministry.  I have enjoyed it all but the key has been saying, “Yes.”

This is my twenty fifth year in ministry.  It has been an adventure.  I’ve had a ringside seat to watch God do all kinds of amazing things in and through people and His Church because I said, “Yes” to Him.  I have experienced His goodness, faithfulness and provision over and over again because I said, “Yes” to Him.  There have been difficult moments, questions, doubts and times when I didn’t say, “Yes” as quickly as I should have but mostly, I wouldn’t change a thing.

And that’s how I can put up with traffic which admittedly is a minor inconvenience.  I didn’t dream of being in a big city, in big city traffic but this is where I’m supposed to be.  So this traffic is part of the adventure.  We need to embrace God and His plan fully and we will not regret all the other stuff that may or may not change.  I have not regretted one move we have made.

God has an adventure for each one of us.  And you need to say, “Yes” to Him.

It’s not always easy.  And it will likely mean change – in you and your circumstances.  And you will need to let go of some things so you can cling more tightly to God.  It won’t necessarily look the way you have planned it out.  But please say, “Yes.”  Embrace Him and embrace what He has for you.

I never wanted to stop working with kids.  I never wanted to move to the city.  But that’s where God has me and it’s the right place for me to be.  God has a “right place” for you too.  Enjoy the adventure.

Marc McAlister

Director of Church Health, FMCIC